Snapshots: Carlos Celdran, Walk This Way Tours, Manila

I think Carlos Celdran is an ideal portrait of the modern Filipino nationalist - intelligent, witty, unafraid to poke fun at the culture and people he loves and respects, and equally unabashed to air out its dirty laundry, whether from the past or from the present. However, his impartial view of the Philippines does not keep him from expressing his sincere love and concern for his country, and that's probably the best thing about him.

His walking tours around Manila are a hoot - my friend and I went on the one around Fort Bonifacio, San Agustin Church and Casa Manila one Sunday morning, and we had a great time.

I should also mention that Carlos Celdran has been very active in supporting numerous relief efforts for the victims of typhoons Ondoy and Pepeng, so let's all sing it together - for he's a jolly good fellow! There should definitely be more Filipinos like him.

Carlos Celdran
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