Snapshots: A Rainy Day At The Airport

Summer in the Philippines is over and these past few weeks, I've been preoccupied with the rain, work, and moving in to my new place - which means I've been unable to blog about my trips. I'm back though, and to usher in the rainy season, I thought I'd put this picture up, from when we were waiting to board our plane in Coron, Palawan back to Manila last year. Surprisingly, it was one of the most comfortable, turbulence-free flights I've taken, but you never would've been able to tell from this picture.


Fickle Cattle said...

That's a nice shot. Dark and stormy.

The Nomadic Pinoy said...

I can tell Coron's airport had a makeover - never remembered seeing this departure gate 5 years ago.

Daene | Filipina in Flip Flops said...

Fickle Cattle: Thank you! I love your blog, you write beautifully! :)

The Nomadic Pinoy: It's definitely changed! The first time I went to Coron in 2007, the airport had been completely different - it was primitive and cool like that, haha. When we landed, I remember feeling like I was really in the middle of nowhere because it just seemed so remote. I loved it. :)

Anonymous said...

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