Bora is picturesque any time of the day:
This summer is shaping up to be an awesome one! And the beach trips started early too - about two weeks ago my mom celebrated her 50th birthday at Kota Keluarga in San Juan, Laiya, and I got to bring my friends to the weekend getaway.
It was a gloomy weekend weather-wise, but still super fun and relaxing:
So while I haven't been blogging, it hasn't been because I haven't got anything to blog about - quite the contrary, in fact, except there just hasn't been enough time in the day to actually blog about them. And well, fine - I'll admit it, what with work being so exciting lately and after having met a new set of crazy friends and just, everything that's been going on, I've been a little distracted, in a good way. I guess I have to live my life first before I can write about it, right?
To everyone in the Philippines, hope your summer's been a good one so far!
Live life first indeed and then share the fun stuff after (assuming you have some spare time to sit and write about it :) )
Qu'est-ce qu'un site de blogging très amusant à utiliser avec une autre personne?
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