Happy new year! It would be really nice to end the first day of the year watching a magnificent sunset not unlike the one above.
I didn't blog much in 2011 - life kind of got in the way, haha - but this year I really want to keep this blog constantly updated with new content, so I'm starting a year-round project, in which I'll be posting a daily travel photo for every single day of 2012. I hope I have enough to last me the entire year!
What are your New Year's Travel Resolutions?
not so much of a travel resolution but a wish: to make my first solo travel adventure this year, love to travel so hopefully, i can find enough courage to do it. ;)
happy new year Daene!
a visit from i♥am♥Talinggaw
That's a great travel wish! My first solo trip was in Talipanan Beach, Puerto Galera - a simple weekend getaway, but I felt like I achieved something great after.:) You can read about it here:
Thanks for the visit and here's to some amazing trips - alone or otherwise - in 2012!
"one travel photo every single day of 2012", wow, that's cool. I guess I'll do that too, take and keep photos of my travels so I can update my blog everyday.
Happy 2012 Daene, Kiong Hee Huat Tsai! :)
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